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What is coaching?

To put it simply, coaching is the act of working alongside a certified professional to create and achieve goals. These goals can be short-term or long-term and of any sort of variety. Coaches listen, guide, motivate, strategize, and hold you accountable


How does it work? 

Through a series of in-person or virtual meetings, phone calls, e-mails, chat, and evidence-based activities, you will work alongside your trained coach to determine your strengths, personal and professional goals, and purpose. 

Why choose Coalesce?

Coalesce was founded by Doctors of Social Work, trained in social

innovation and experts on The Social Determinants of Health. We

believe our community, stability, and quality of care affects

our health and wealth. Changing some of those determinants can

increase our wellness and finances.

How much does this cost?

Full length body size photo woman sitting in chair looking copyspace talking on cellphone

The No Plan Plan

trust yourself, self confident concept - chess pawn with king shadow.jpg

The Basic Plan

Pupae and cocoons are suspended. Concept transformation of Butterfly.jpg

The Transformation Plan

Composition with white envelopes and one green envelope on the table..jpg

The Email Plans

Types of Coaching:

Ready to Get Started with a Free 30 Minute Consultation?

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